Who is this program for?


This program has been written with everyone in mind. That being said, I obviously don't know every person on this planet. I have tried to take into account the variety of people, and concerns as I could. Ultimately, it is very tough to make a universal program. However, this is a basics program which will allow you to incorporate mobility and strength movements into your routine which are essential for function for every person. After this program is over, the ones which come after will further be segmented by what your needs or fitness/strength goals might be. There will be a barbell, bikini body and an athletic (speed/agility) program. 


This program has been created with a beginner in mind as well as an experienced client who either has been away from training or is looking to implement more structure and technique work into their training. 


The goal is to build strength and mobility. We are also addressing common problem areas in the body especially around neck (cervical spine) and low back (lumbar spine). These are common areas of pain and discomfort in most people who have sedentary lifestyles. However, now, especially in 2020, these are more common than ever before. 


Always remember, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Our goal is to address and eliminate that weakness as much as possible. This takes time, discipline and consistency.


Is there an age limit for the program?


The movements have bodyweight as well as the added free weight option for ALMOST every exercise. Some movements do require some resistance. In this case you can use as little as a 500 gram can of tomato paste or heavier free weights you have at home. Whether those are sandbags, kettlebells, dumbbells- it does not matter.


My youngest client was 12 and oldest currently is 91. A lot of these movements I have done on both ends of age. However, it is very important you listen to your body. If a movement doesn't feel right, you don't have the flexibility or strength for something- please pay attention to that.


Additionally, consult your physician and make sure this program is suitable for you.


What if I don't have any free weights?


That is okay! Like I said, there are only about 2-3 movements where resistance is required. Fill two ziploc bags with rice or sand, use canned food, grab your kids; work with what you have and build that strong body!


The program has 3 workouts a week. Can I only do two?


The efficiency and success of this program are based off it being done the way it is written. Ideally, you want a minimum of one day break between each workout to allow your body to rest and recover. The less frequently you train and follow the workouts, the more it will influence your success in this program. 


How many times can I repeat this program?


This program has been written as a base for the programs to come. Ideally, this program should only be done once for the allotted 4-week period with three sessions done every week. 


However, if you find after the four weeks, you want to return to it again with a bit more focus, weight and strength, that is fine. If the program is all you rely on to help you get stronger and healthier over months of training, that will not work as it has not been written with that intention or goal. Progression and programming in training is very important.


How long do the workouts take?


Each workout should ideally take between 30- 45 minutes from start to finish. Your break between each exercise is 30 seconds and 60 seconds at the end of every set. Prior to starting a new round, your break should be between 2- 3 minutes.


Will I get bulky or muscular with this workout?


There is a huge misconception- especially with women; about strength training. If you guys have seen me on youtube, instagram or in person, you will see the effects of actually lifting heavy on a body for over 10 years. I have done powerlifting, strongman training and continue to lift the bar several times a week. For the body to grow past its genetic build, you will need to do a lot more than body weight training. (But, I won't get into that here!) 


Resistance training will only do your body good. Especially as you get older. Don't fear the weights. 


Will I lose weight on this program?


Weight loss is determined by your calories in vs calories out. So if you are consuming the same number of calories, but expending more calories, the result will be a deficit in the overall body composition. Sometimes, there may not be a loss in weight, but in inches. This is where you are burning fat and building muscle. 


Some people use exercise as an excuse to eat more (especially fast food). Understand this is a journey and takes time, discipline and patience. While you don't have to eat boiled chicken and lettuce while you do this program, I do suggest complementing this program with a well balanced healthy diet. 


I just want to lose weight from my belly and arms. Is this program right for that?


There is no such thing as spot reduction or isolated training in this way. People who sell you on this idea just want to sell. Often, when on a course to weight loss, generally we lose water weight first; where our body holds our salt and sugar reserves. For some people, that could be around the belly, for women, often thats around the hips. Ultimately, when you train regularly, the change will come everywhere.


Will you offer meal plans?


While I have created some simple .pdfs and documents for you to download off www.sheeba.coach, I am not a nutritionist or dietician. For something like that, I would recommend you speak to someone who specializes in diet.


Do I need to take any supplements?


Not at all! Stick to the basics I talk about on my youtube channel (there is more than enough content). Follow the grocery list, drink loads of water and stay away from processed foods! I do talk about protein powder in my smoothie e-book, but it is not mandatory at all. Especially if you get enough protein through your diet. Generally, you want 1 gm of protein per pound of body weight per day.


Again, talk to your doctor, get regular blood work done and know what your deficiencies are before you take anything that may not be necessary. This includes protein